viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009

Reported speech rephrasing

The following sentences use the verbs to tell and to say. You can both send them to my email or hand them in next Tuesday.
Have a nice Friday night.

Reported Speech

300."I can't believe what you're saying," Paul told me.
301."Would you like a cup of tea? she said to the girls.
302."What time did you arrive in London?" he asked.
303."I'm sorry to be late, but I missed the bus" she said.
304."Thank you for the postcard you sent me," she said to Jane.
305."What were you doing last night at 9.30?" he asked.
306."I'll show you when I finish," he said.
307."The film had already started when Peter arrived," she said.
308."I was having a shower when the phone rang," she said.
309."You must finish the report today," my boss told me.
310.Then Pierce Brosnan said: "My name's Bond. James Bond."
311."Did they enjoy the party?" she asked.
312."Alright then, we'll meet after the lesson," she said.
313."No way! I won't tell them," he said.
314."Open your books and start reading, children," the teacher said.
315."Would you like to come to my party, John?" she said.
316."Let's go to the park!" she said.
317."You should be more careful in the future," he said.
318."Did you pass the exam?" I said to Joe.
319."I'm doing my homework," the boy said
320."What were you doing when the lights went off?", she asked me.

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