martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

Passive rephrasing

I will post the answers shortly.

1. I went to the hairdresser and he cut my hair.
I had...........
2. People thought that Jimmi Hendrix was a genius.
Jimi Hendrix..........
3. People believe King Arthur lived in the 9th century.
King Arthur ....................
4. People expect that Rodrigo Rato will resign due to the BBVA scandal.
Rodrigo rato .......................
5. A professional photographer will take all my wedding photographs.
I will have ...................
6. They told Peter not to play such loud music.
Peter ....................
7. Everybody should read this article carefully.
This article ...................
8. Bob sold the house in the hill to Mr Brown.
The house ...................
9. People believe that the Loch Ness Monster really existed.
The Loch Ness monster....................
10. They sacked Mary last week.
Mary ..............................

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